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Wrench Tool


Get the most out of your equipment with the least amount of investment while respecting food and personnel safety.


We will play with several levers to keep your maintenance level at the highest standards in the industry.

Build a strong foundation with CMMS


A Computerized Maintenance Management System is required to manage the tasks that your industrial equipment require. It needs to be implemented in a way that allows for future expansion. In addtion, such a plan needs to be updated on a regular basis. In both cases, we have the experience to set up and also to adapt your CMMS system to your actual and future needs.
While most maintenance tasks are self-explanatory, some tasks do require special knowledge. For these tasks, we develop specific procedures with checkmarks, pictures, 3D drawings in such a way that any new employee can perform them without extended resources.

Predictive Maintenance

Typically, the tasks that the maintenance crew are carrying out can be sorted in three different categories.
The first category is usually the Reactive Maintenance, also called “Run-To-Failure maintenance”.
The second category is the Preventive Maintenance, usually Time-Based. This category is considered to be the minimal service for descent operations.
The industry standard is now becoming the Predictive maintenance. The tasks are carried out based on conditions. While setting up such a system require an initial investment, the benefits medium term are huge: less breakdowns, less spare parts, and of course a much better work environement!
According to a study from the US Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, when going from catergory 1 to category 3, the cost of maintenance is 50% less.
We will provide you with our years of experience to set up the condition based tasks so that you can harvest the benefits from a predictable maintenance as soon as possible.

Bearing overheating vibrating

Continuous Inspection Program (Low-Tech IIOT)

Mountdale strongly recommend this program for any maintenance organization because of its low cost, fast set up and great return-on-investment.
The basics around this program is to divide the plant into several zones, usually beween 2 and 6, depending on the size. For each zone, one maintenance member will be in charge of inspecting it on a daily/weekly base. The inspections are based on common sense in addition to all his own senses: touch, hearing, smell, sight. When needed, the maintenance member should use thermometer, amp-probe, dB-meter etc..
An estimated 80% of the issues can be detected with this method. Dust on the floor, oil dropplets, squicky noise, new vibrations.. are often signs for an upcoming failure.
For maximum efficiency, we recommend a rotation of the zones in order for each maintenance memberto cover the entire plant.

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